Wills & Estate Planning
We strongly advise clients to take advantage of the service we have set up with Adviser Will to meet your Will & Estate Planning needs.
Appointments can be arranged for a meeting in the comfort of your own home at a convenient time, thereby ensuring that you have time to make your first will to protect the family or to update a previous will which no longer reflects your wishes. Either way, it is essential that you give serious consideration to making or updating your will as a matter of priority.
Optional services arranged via this company include arranging Lasting Power of Attorney, executorship assistance and, estate & trust planning via Solidus and Will storage.
IHT Mitigation
Wills, trusts and inheritance tax mitigation
To ensure that your assets are shared out as you intend it is advisable to consider estate planning and write a will that makes your wishes clear.
Around 60% of adults in the UK don’t have a will according to figures from Opinium Research 2016. Regardless of their intentions, this means that their assets will be dealt with according to standard Government rules on intestacy (dying without a will).
What to put in your will
Typically, a will sets out how you’d like your assets or ‘estate’ to be shared, and by whom:
- Property: who takes on ownership of your property after your death
- Assets: who benefits from financial assets such as shares or savings
- Possessions: who you want to receive your personal possessions, for example, paintings, jewellery or items of sentimental value.
- Your executors: named individuals who will act on your behalf to distribute assets in line with the instructions in your will
- Children’s guardians: named individuals you trust to look after the interests of your children aged under 18.
- Charitable donations: named charities that you would like to receive a lump sum, assets or a share of your estate.
Our service with Adviser Will provides you with a straightforward way to record your wishes in a will.
If your will was written some time ago it is useful to check that it is still fit for purpose. This may be especially important if you have become married or divorced, there are now children or grandchildren, or your financial situation has changed. A will review will determine whether your will reflects your current wishes about who should benefit from your estate.
Wiser Wealth Limited is registered in England & Wales no. 7305259. Registered Office at The Rowans, Ash Mill, Barkway, Herts, SG8 8HB Wiser Wealth Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority no. 528681.The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Tax planning, Inheritance Tax Planning or Trusts and Will writing.
The guidance and/or advice contained in this website is subject to UK regulatory regime and is therefore restricted to consumers based in the UK. Investing involves risk and the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.